Kellgren Senior Apartments New construction of a 50 unit wood framed senior community. This is a HUD Capital Advanced project. Petaluma Ecumenical Properties is the developer. Project Details Location: Petaluma, CA Owner: Petaluma Ecumencial Properties Architect: Tierney / Figueiredo Architects AIA Units: 50 Project Cost: $8 Million [...]
The Grove at Sunset Court
eric bostrom2024-01-02T11:20:40-08:00The Grove at Sunset Court New construction of 54 residential units, two-story, wood framed in four buildings. Project Details Location: Brentwood, CA Owner: Grove Sunset L.P. Architect: SDG Architecture & Engineering Units: 54 Project Cost: $24.7 Million
Carlow Court Apartments at Emerald Glen
eric bostrom2024-01-02T11:26:19-08:00Carlow Court Apartments at Emerald Glen This affordable housing project consists of 180 units. The Family housing project is 130 units spread through 20 buildings including a community center, childcare center, storage, outdoor pavillon and maintenance buildings. The Senior Housing is 50 units, two buildings. Developer is Eden Housing. Project Details [...]
Acacia Lane Senior Housing
eric bostrom2024-01-02T11:27:21-08:00Acacia Lane Senior Housing New construction of a 45 unit, 37,500 square foot, wood framed, two story senior housing community. Developer is Petaluma Ecumenical Properties (PEP Housing). This is a HUD Capital Advance project. Financed with HUD Section 202 (elderly) funds. Project Details Location: Petaluma, CA Owner: Acacia Lane Senior Apartments, L.P. [...]
Harmon Gardens
eric bostrom2024-01-02T11:50:31-08:00Harmon Gardens New construction of sixteen one bedroom units, wood framed, four story for transition-age youth (TAY) . Affordable Housing Associates is the affordable housing developer. Harmon Gardens is Section 8 housing and will provide TAY with a permanent home where they can develop independent living skills and connections in the community while receiving [...]
Amorosa Village
eric bostrom2024-01-02T13:06:01-08:00Amorosa Village New construction of a 150 unit wood framed affordable housing community in Santa Rosa. There are 17 buildings on the 5 acre site with a total of 160,000 square feet of living space. Burbank Housing Development Corporation is the developer. Awarded 2011 Best Apartments Project by the North Bay Business Journal. [...]
Healdsburg Family Housing
eric bostrom2024-01-02T12:58:39-08:00Healdsburg Family Housing New construction of a 64 unit, 11 buildings, 80,000 square foot affordable housing development in Healdsburg. This project includes the installation of a pedestrian bridge and the extension of the walking path along Foss Creek. This project won a national award in 2011 from the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition for [...]
Hillsdale Townhouses
eric bostrom2024-01-02T12:56:06-08:00Hillsdale Townhouses Interior and exterior renovation of existing apartment complex, sixteen buildings, forty-eight apartment units, fifteen bedroom additions. Work also includes community room conversion, new laundry room, mail/sun room and pool equipment closet. Mid-Peninsula Housing Coalition is the affordable housing developer for this project. Project Details Location: Foster City, CA Owner: MP [...]
Palisades Apartments
eric bostrom2024-01-02T12:52:30-08:00Palisades Apartments New construction of a twenty-four unit, two story wood frame affordable housing project in Calistoga. The developer is Calistoga Affordable Housing. The construction manager was Burbank Housing Development Corporation. Project Details Location: Santa Rosa, CA Owner: Palisades Investors, L.P. Architect: Tierney / Figueiredo Architects AIA Units: 24 Project Cost: $3.9 [...]
Wilford Lane
eric bostrom2024-01-02T13:17:02-08:00Wilford Lane New construction of a two story, nine building, thirty-six unit, wood framed community in Cotati. This project includes special needs and handicap accessible units with a community center and an adjacent private park and playground. Project Details Location: Cotati, CA Owner: Burbank Housing Development Corporation Architect: Robert South Design Group [...]